ZEPHANIAH–finding God as my “HIDING PLACE”
The Minor Prophets often seem to have a despairing tone. Evil appears to run unchecked. The wicked die unaccountable for their deeds of cruelty and greed. God’s people fail to obey. Death takes them all away. But there is a light in the distance. Rays of hope stream from the promise that the Righteous Judge will make all things right.
And on the horizon is a world brand new. Impossible? No, God has already planned the ending. Zephaniah traces a bit of it in his closing words. Remember, because Zephaniah summarizes the previous prophets, his content and style are very similar to the other eight.
• Like them, he speaks of the failure to keep God’s standard and the resultant wrath.
• Then like them, he reminds the world that the God of Israel is the Lord of all the earth and calls them all to heed Him.
• Finally, as his predecessors, Zephaniah declares that although the wrath of God is inevitable so is His promised restoration and blessing at a yet future day.
So, no matter what your burden and struggle, come to the perfect Hiding Place in Christ!
To best learn from Zephaniah, let’s back into his book. Turn to the third chapter and discover THE LORD IN THE MIDST with me.
This chapter contains a beautiful lesson, taken spiritually. It describes the sinful condition of a soul apart from Christ (v. 1-2). Those who should have been leaders in righteousness are leaders in iniquity: principals, judges, prophets, and priests. Then the Lord Himself takes the place of these leaders, and we see Him “in the midst," fulfilling each office in turn.
First He comes to our hearts as judge and convicts us of all that is sinful there, bringing His judgment to light (5-7). And then what does He say? John 8:10-11 When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, "Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?" 11 She said, "No one, Lord." And Jesus said to her, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." (NKJV). Flee to Jesus because He said in John 6:37 "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. (NKJV).
OTI-36 – Zephaniah (971008WE) – https://youtu.be/txA0mRFyW4g
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