This morning please open to the ten most important words in the Bible.
They are the 1st 10 words and they are found in Genesis 1:1 ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." All of History in Ten Words. In THESE TEN WORDS, we find the answers to everything that will matter forever with God.
 There is only ONE GOD
 There is only ONE WAY TO GOD
 There is only ONE ABODE OF GOD
 There is only ONE CREATOR
 There is only ONE CREATION
So THESE TEN WORDS tell us GOD initiated this Cosmos by His own will.
 THESE TEN WORDS tell us the Universe had a start and God existed forever before that beginning.
 THESE TEN WORDS tell us our Creator designed this world and the universe around it leaving His fingerprints everywhere!
 THESE TEN WORDS are the only gateway to the True God, the True Creator and the Only Redeemer.
 THESE TEN WORDS are the Foundation of our ORIGIN, PURPOSE, and DESTINY!
 THESE TEN WORDS are the only proper way to understand Geology, Anthropology, History, Philosophy and so on.
 THESE TEN WORDS are the only authoritative guide to the origin and purpose of male, female, marriage, family, and government; and they alone record the start of sin, evil, cultures, language, Israel, and all.
The Message of the Ten Words
Think with me this morning what these ten words say:
 There is ONE GOD: The Creator of Heaven and Earth
 There is ONE REVELATION: God’s Word the Bible
 There is ONE PROGRAM: God’s Kingdom
 There is ONE PURPOSE: God’s Glory
 There is ONE BOOK YOU CAN TRUST: His record in the Word
So what would these ten most important words say? They are so vital to all parts of our life, so crucial to the destiny of our souls. In order that we never miss them, God put them in the front of your Bibles. These are the first words Jesus and the Apostles read at their mother’s knees. For all Jewish children were taught to read starting with the Torah, the first five books of Moses. Why don’t we read them together this morning! Please stand with me and affirm these ten most important words in the BIBLE:
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
CPL-01 & GEN-01 – In The Beginning (990905AM)
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