What Was the First Language?
Why Did God Confuse It?
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Here’s the opening live Q&A session that launched our online video training. Almost a million people have sat in on these Q&A Bible teaching sessions.
The rest of the videos in this playlist represent the MOST asked questions we have had in our 20 years of hosting LIVE Bible Question & Answer dialogues.
Hope one of them can minister to YOU today.
Paradise Lost
Message # 1: paradise lost. Whatever happened to Paradise? There was a perfect earth with no sin when Genesis 2 ends. What a place it must have been with all of the glow of Creation unshrouded by sin. Every creature was good, every part of the universe was singing the glory of God. No groaning under the burden of sin was yet present from the creation. But then something drastic happened. What? Adamās and Eveās sin. Look at Genesis 3 with me.
(3:1-2) Message # 2: pride: the weakness of satan. God is in an all-out war against PRIDE this morning. He wants to stamp it out in our lives this morning. Letās let Him give us an exam this morning and help us cure our āIā problem today! Humility is an ingredient of all spiritual blessings. Just as every sin has its roots in pride, every virtue has its roots in humility. Humility allows us to see ourselves as we are because it shows us before God as He is. Just as pride is behind every conflict we have with other people and every problem of fellowship we have with the Lord, so humility is behind every harmonious human relationship, every spiritual success, and every moment of joyous fellowship with the Lord.
(3:1-5) Message # 3: AVOIDING THE DEVILāS TRAP. Now, to the scene of the last Adam. How unlike the 1st Adam is this last Adam.
The Devil challenged the first man. The Last Man challenged the Devil.
The Devil ruined the first Adam. The Last Adam spoiled the Devil.
The First Adam stood as the head of the race and falling, dragged the race down with him. The Last Adam stood as the Head of the new race, and being victorious, lifted that race with Him.
The 1st Adamās work of causing death could be undone and was at the Cross. The Last Adamās work can never be undone for He brought endless life.
The 1st Adam did the work of man. The Last Adam did the Work of God.
(3:3-5) Message # 4: the four spiritual flaws. Satan is in an all-out attack to make you and me doubt, reject, and become deafened to the voice of Jesus. We are not listening to the voice of Jesus when we think wrongly about God! Will you listen to that voice? Adam and Eve chose to not listen to God. Satan wants us to Doubt Godās Word, Doubt Godās Goodness, Godās Authority, and Doubt Godās Plan.
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