There is one inescapable fact of the Universe: the wrath of God may not be evaded. It is so great that it hunted down and sacrificed no less than the Son of God, Christ Jesus! And if God spared not His Son, what will happen to the rebels on the Day of Judgment?
Nahum has, but one theme: kingdoms built on the foundation of force and fraud shall certainly be destroyed, and the Kingdom of God reared on the foundation of truth and righteousness, is bound to triumph. Nineveh represented worldly power in antagonism to Yahweh, so it had to perish. This is the theme that Nahum insists on with concentrated effort.
Nahum is the prophet of Nemesis, of inevitable retribution for all evil, whether individual or national.
God may have checked the Assyrian monarch in 701 B.C., but these were still great days for Nineveh. Sennacherib more than doubled the city’s size, making it the world’s largest city of ancient times. The inner city was surrounded by a wall eight miles in circumference. It was one hundred feet high and so wide that three chariots could race around it abreast. It had twelve hundred towers and fourteen gates. Beyond this was a much longer outer wall. There was an inner city, an outer city, and what we would call extensive suburbs beyond that. This vast expanse was a "three days" journey (Jonah 3:3).
Sennacherib’s palace was called "The Palace With No Rival." It was of cedar, cypress, and alabaster. Lions of bronze and bulls of white marble guarded it. Its great hall measured forty by one hundred and fifty feet. Sennacherib’s armory, where he kept his chariots, armor, horses, weapons, and other equipment, covered forty-six acres and took six years to build.
OTI-34 – Nahum (961211WE) –
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