The Glory of Christmas is in The Name of Jesus (Matthew 1:21).
Christmas Day, gathered as the Church of Jesus Christ, we celebrate the Glory of God revealed at the Birth of our Savior. That Glory of Christmas is in the Name of Jesus.
This is a time to think of what Christmas really means:
Christmas Declares: Jesus is Unlike Anyone
Who was Ever Born, Lived, or Died
Jesus is unlike anyone who has ever been born.
He came into the world in a way no other human ever could or will.
He was born into a poor family, and lived in an obscure village, in a tiny province of a vast Empire.
Out of poverty, obscurity, and apparent weakness, He touched the world like no one else ever has.
Jesus is unlike anyone who has ever lived.
He had none of the typical trappings of power and influence: He had no riches or formal education, yet He amazed the intelligentsia of His day.
He healed all who came to Him without charge.
He had no wealth, yet He fed tens of thousands from His own hands.
He was by nature meek and lowly; yet He could banish death with a word, disease, and handicap with a touch, and demons hordes at will.
Jesus is unlike anyone who has ever died.
He could walk across raging waters.
He could walk away through crowds seeking to destroy while becoming unseen.
He could slip through locked doors and appear at will.
He could flatten an army just by saying His own Name: yet He allowed Himself to be captured, horribly abused, and then murdered.
Jesus is unlike anyone who has ever been born; who ever lived; and who ever died.
To understand Christmas, we need to see what God revealed.
What God revealed is that:
Christmas Declares:
The Glory of His Name
The greatest revelation of our Infinite God’s nature, character, and personhood comes through His Name.
Theologians have classified all the different names, ascriptions, and titles of our Triune: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
In Theology (or the study of God), we find there are no less than 420 names, titles, and ascriptions of God in three persons, contained in the Scriptures. In the Old Testament, there are 225 of them, and in the New Testament, there are 195.
Christmas is the time of the year we most hear the sound of that incredible river, of the mighty names of God, come down to man, revealed from Heaven through the inspired Word.
God revealed Himself to mankind as a man.
God used human terms so we could understand Him.
God gave incredible access to know Him and understand His power and love, by way of a series of names, titles, and ascriptions to His Majesty.
To the Old Testament saints, the name of the Lord was a strong tower.
In the New Testament, Jesus became God with us!
1. The Name of Jesus is the saving name: "Thou shalt call His name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21).
2. The Name of Jesus is the sanctifying name. We are to do all things, in word and deed, in the name of the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:17).
3. The Name of Jesus is the sovereign name. "At the name of Jesus every knee should bow" (Philippians 2:10). It is the name that as the hymn writer said: “charms our fears and bids our sorrows cease." It is the name that, as "music in the sinner’s ears, brings life and health and peace."
(GCM-48; 111225AM)
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