Author: superadmin

Boeing finds itself in a storm not of its production, yet one it must weather with grit and a steady hand. The rhythm of factory floors has fallen silent— around a number of 30,000 workers, tired of talk and ineffective promises, decided to call it enough was enough. This was last Friday and they leave their tools behind and take to the streets with their message being clear. The strike is not some minor bump in the road—no, it’s a full stop to much of Boeing’s production, the hum of machinery replaced by chants and footsteps on picket lines. Boeing…

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The dust rarely settles in the shadow of war—it never quite does. In the Kursk region, Ukraine made its move, not in haste but with intent, seizing land on August 6 that, for a time, felt like no one’s. A sudden push, catching Russian forces as if mid-breath, opened the door to nearly 500 square miles of new ground. But nothing comes without consequence—has this bold thrust toward Kursk strained Ukraine’s defenses in Donetsk, where Russian boots inch ever closer to the vital hub of Pokrovsk? This is how Ukraine used GBU-39 small diameter high precision bombs to destroy the…

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Vladimir Putin, once again, leans into the machinery of war—ordering the Russian military to swell by another 180,000 troops, raising the number of active soldiers to 1.5 million. With this stroke, Russia’s military inches closer to the towering ranks of China’s, a shadow looming just behind. A quiet decree, slipped onto the Kremlin’s website, signals a grand ambition— 2.38 million total personnel, most of them now expected to be ready for the frontlines. 🚨 PUTIN ORDERS RUSSIAN ARMY EXPANSION BY 180K TROOPS Putin has signed a decree increasing Russia’s military by 180,000 soldiers, bringing the total active force to 1.5…

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Sorry but saying Hawaii is awesome makes you think that it is…. when in reality, It is a Leftist controlled high tax state. But media says it is great, Leftist media. Here is a summation…  of a Left-wing list. Notice California cities, what a joke! When you start thinking where to relax your retirement years, your mind might sail beyond the common, beyond the mainland even, to somewhere where the ocean breeze brings in peace with a happy breath. According to the latest rankings from WalletHub, some of the finest places to enjoy your golden years lie far from the…

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