Amemptos means—
• I will never have to answer to God for my sins if I am in Jesus.
• I will never be judged for my sins if I am in Jesus.
• I will never be condemned for my sins if I am in Jesus.
• I will never have to pay for my sins if I am in Jesus.
Did you know those people listened to what the Apostle Paul said? And they heard that Gospel message so clearly that when they came to know Jesus Christ there’s one thing they couldn’t forget and that is that they could stand before God amemptos–unashamed of their sinful lives that they had lived before Christ. What kind of lives did they live?
You see the Apostle Paul’s writing back to them—he ministered here for probably 6 weeks. 3 weeks in the synagogue and 3 weeks out—then he’s driven out of town and he goes to Athens and he goes on and after a few weeks he writes a letter back to them but when he writes back to them he said did you know people from Thessalonica have come to me and told me about our ministry we had there? And this is what they said. Look at 1:9-10:
For they themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God.
Do you know what that says? The people in Thessalonica were formerly idolatrous people—
10and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.
You know what these people learned? That their former lives to their idols, false gods that were dead and weren’t living and weren’t true. They could turn from those past sins and never look back. They could look to Christ and be amemptos–unashamed of their sinful lives. Now you say I don’t have a wicked, sordid, depraved, debauched, life in the past. But you know what? All of us are sinners. So what ever we have done, we can know it is forgiven, it is gone!
Jesus paid it all, I will live for Him. I will neither be ashamed of my past nor waste my present and future—but live it for Him.
From WNS-18a – Blameless (050410AM)
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