There’s only ONE chapter in the Bible that catches JESUS GETTING SICK.
He touches the dead, the dying, the demonized, and the diseased with no recorded negative impact. But then, near the end of the Bible, Jesus gets VIOLENTLY SICKENED.
Did you ever wonder about that?
In Matthew 23, religious hypocrisy made Jesus so angry that He spoke His harshest words recorded in the Gospels to the Pharisees and Sadducees. In John 2, defiled worship made Jesus so angry that He acted in the most violent way ever recorded in the Gospels.
But in Revelation 3, something happens that we have never seen in Christ’s life. We have seen Him moved with compassion, weary in ministry, angry at the white-washed hypocrisy of religious leaders, and violently driving out money changers and livestock sellers in the Temple. But we never saw Jesus sick before.
When Christ Gets the Flu Bug
In the 89 chapters of the Gospels, we see Jesus tired, sorrowful, quiet, dynamic, reflective, kind, tender, engaging, receptive, prayerful, and troubled, but never nauseated by anything in His earthly ministry.
Jesus was face-to-face with demons, face-to-face with Satan, touching the rotted flesh of lepers, placing His fingers into the ears of deaf people, plastering mud onto sightless eyes of a blind man, touching the feverish brow of a dying woman, and even grasping the cold, lifeless hand of the corpse of a dead child. Still, none of that sin, suffering, and defilement is ever seen making Him sick.
As far as we know, only one thing can make the Holy, Harmless, Undefiled Savior of the World, Creator of the Universe, and Risen & Good Shepherd nauseous. That one thing is in Revelation 3:16-17.
Jesus is sickened to the point of nausea-induced vomit by believers who declare to Christ by the choices of their lives these words:
v. 17a Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and need nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked
Loving Jesus Means Avoiding Anything Nauseous to Him
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