First Century Believers Knew God Allows NO ACCIDENTS:
I Peter 4:19 (NKJV) Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator. In this one verse, we can see that the content of the entire letter of 1 Peter is summarized. We, believers, do not suffer accidentally or go through affliction because of some irresistible forces of fate.
Instead, each time we suffer, it is always and only according to God’s will. This is why we want to renew our surrender to God daily. The word Peter used, translated as “commit,” literally means “to entrust yourself for safekeeping.”
If our God can OVERSEE the countless galaxies of our Universe and the constant ebb and flow of the tides of the seas, He certainly can personally walk me through any trials I’ll ever face in my lifetime. This leads us to Peter’s second epistle. Things didn’t improve for those early believers after they got a letter from God, written down by Peter. Things got worse. With all the hardships in mind that they faced, Peter writes a second time. They were suffering, they were losing their freedom, their security on earth, and for some, even losing their lives. So, Peter concluded his last words to them with 2 Peter 3 and a lesson on:
How to Build a Destruction-proof Legacy. We could summarize what Peter wrote by saying that he was encouraging his loved ones on how to rescue their treasures from the floods and fires. But as we look at 2 Peter 3:10-18, the lessons are far broader than those early believers.
These lessons are for us, and maybe even more so, in the world where we find ourselves today! Lesson one from Peter is: Beware of Materialism v. 10-11
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