27 Chapters of the Bible & Counting
This morning we need to pause and think about how many different chapters of the Bible are used by God to describe this evil servant of Satan. Here’s the tally so far:
• Jesus talks about him in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 (that is 3 chapters);
• Paul describes him in 2 Thessalonians 1-2 (that is 2 chapters); then
• John describes him in 1 John 2 & 4 and 2 John 1 (that is 3 chapters);
• Revelation devotes chapters 6-20 to describe his impact on humanity and his fate (that is 15 chapters); and now in
• Daniel we see him in Daniel 7,8,9 and 11 (that is 4 more chapters).
So this worst of all humans who ever lives is already the subject of 27 chapters of the Bible. That is quite an extensive coverage; and there are more we haven’t even touched.
Think about this man with so many different names in the Bible: the man of sin, the son of perdition, the beast, the lawless one, and the Antichrist.
Satan Empowers the Worst Human Ever
Of all who have ever hated good, hated God, and hated Christians, the Antichrist will be the pinnacle. If we were to take all of the worst persecutors, deceivers, and malignant terrorists and stew them until they boiled down to the essence of evil, this is what would pout out: the man of sin, the son of perdition, and the false Christ.
When this man appears he will pulsate with the power of demons, and flow with the great powers of Satan, so much so that even people’s money, buying, selling, and even lives will be only at his nod.
Remember that it is Jesus who describes the arrival of the antichrist by a citation from the prophet Daniel. Because:
Jesus Trusted Daniel’s Authenticity
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