The Psalms are God’s worship book. They capture His majesty. His character and person more clearly and dramatically proclaimed here than in any other book of the Bible. Divine Names are prominently in use: Adonai "Lord," occurs 63 times, El and Elohim “God” occur 427 times, and the name Yahweh is found no less than 742 times.
With that in mind, how did our Lord and His apostles look upon the Psalm? The words of our Lord Jesus and His Apostles were filled with the Psalms.
A. To prepare for Gethsemane He sang Psalms at the Last Supper with His disciples. Matthew 26:30 and Mark 14:26 = 5214 humneo AV – sing an hymn 2, sing praise 2; 4 singing of paschal hymns these were Psalms 113 – 118 and 136, which the Jews called the "great Hallel"
B. To endure the horrors of Golgotha He had the words of the Psalms flowing from His lips on the Cross. Matthew 27:46 and Luke 23:46 quote Psalm 22:1 My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? [Why are You so] far from helping Me, [And from] the words of My groaning? (NKJV)and Psalm 31:5 Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O LORD God of truth. (NKJV)
C. When we face suffering, it would be wise to have Psalms of comfort on our hearts! Try 27:5-6; 31:2; 37:23-24, 32-33.
A. Fainting hearts: After His resurrection Christ reminded the sorrowful in Luke 24:44 that the Psalms often speak of Him.
B. Godly lives – Psalm 15: Against this gloomy backdrop of forces within our fallen, siniful flesh to sweep us away from God is the old path. God has the way of obedience and righteousness called holiness. Listen to God ask you and me, each of us men to his presence..
OTI-19 – Psalms – Christ Our Worship (970312WE) –
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