From those early days after Creation, when Adam sinned and all of mankind to follow also fell into sin: God made a way for mankind to come back. The way back was to worship Him by a substitutionary, sacrificial, blood-sprinkled, way.
The key to understanding all of world history since the Fall of Humanity into sin comes from God’s Word. Always remember that the only absolutely trustworthy and accurate account of the earliest days of both the Universe and the human race is found in the inspired words from God in Genesis.
As we turn back to Genesis 4 we are seeing the very first description of the deadliest evil humanity has ever faced. It is called: Religion.
Religion is mankind offering any kind of worship to God, other than what God’s Word has commanded. Religion is the self-styled offering of a humanly designed worship, rather than the Spirit-prompted offering of strict obedience to God’s Word.
That means that there are only two choices in the Universe, for offering true and acceptable worship: God’s revelation of what He wants in His Word, and everything else. Here is point number one:
Religion – Going My Own Way & Not God’s (240425AM)
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