Bonnie & I are so excited to serve the Lord this month–as I am sure each of you also would declare.
Ezekiel’s PROPHETIC PANORAMA Q&A class is part of the homework for the current Old Testament Eschatology Classes I am teaching this month. Bonnie and I volunteer for the missionary organizations with an initiative for Training NextGeneration Tent-Maker Pastors, Missionaries, and Evangelists.
They have registered over two hundred students for an Eschatology Course we teach part of this month. It is very exciting to hear from the students. We have served with these mission organizations for ten years now, and have seen many pastors, evangelists, and missionaries faithfully serving in their own country.
The goal is to see Asians reach Asia, Africans reach Africa, and Europeans reach Europe. Just this morning, I heard from one we trained in East Asia, who said he is excited as he serves his people daily. He is part of our continuing education courses, where we teach Biblical Counseling & Discipleship, Theology, Bible Survey, and Spiritual Warfare to these in-country, fruitful servants of the Lord.
We pray that this class will bless you and ask that you each pray that the cameras, computers, audio systems, and WiFi will work so we can finish this incredible month of MINISTRY for ETERNITY!
Thanks in advance!
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