"GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS": Have you thought about God lately?
I mean, about how big and powerful He is? This morning we are going to look at four words in our Bibles.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
In an instant, and from nothing God made everything. Have you thought about how big a statement "In the beginning God " really is?
To start with, science can take us back to the Big Bang, but knows nothing of what existed before that bang. But here in utter simplicity, we find the explanation in seven Hebrew words and ten English words.
God has no beginnings. The Universe does, we humans do, but God the subject of this verse, has no start nor finish. He is God!
Some have scoffed that the Bible, and especially Genesis 1 is so un-scientific. Really now, is it. Think if you can remember back to High School chemistry when we learned about chemical symbols. Since I’m not a scientist may I quote a long-standing British professor of Chemistry? This is what Frederick A. Filby says in his testimony recorded in a book Creation Revealed.
The sciences which probe most deeply into the ultimate facts of matter and life are probably Astro and nuclear physics and biochemistry. But these sciences are written no so much in languages as in symbols. It takes many symbols to discuss the nature of a single atom of hydrogen. . . a single virus . . . would take a 200-page book.
If the scientific description of a single hydrogen atom, or of a virus too small to be seen without a microscope, takes a book, what hope is there of ever giving a scientific account of the creation of man and the universe? Yet Genesis 1 in its original form uses only 76 different root words. If Genesis 1 were written in absolute scientific language to give an account of creation, there is no man alive, nor has there ever been, who could understand it. If it were written in any kind of scientific language only the favored few could read it. . .
The scientific description of the "how" of the universe is beyond the understanding of any human brain, but Genesis 1 was written for all readers, not for none . . .
Genesis 1 is the most amazing composition in all the world’s literature, using only 76 different word-forms fundamental to all mankind, arranged in a wonderful poetic pattern yet free from any highly colored figures of speech. It provides the perfect opening to God’s Word, and establishes all that we really need to know of the facts of creation. No man could have invented it: it is as great a marvel as a plant or a bird. It is God’s handiwork, sufficient for Hebrew children or Greek thinkers or Latin Christians; for medieval knights or modern scientists or little children; for cottage dwellers or cattle ranchers or deep-sea fishermen; for Laplanders or Ethiopians, East or West, rich or poor, old or young, simple or learned . . . sufficient for all! Only God could write such a chapter, and He did ."
Have you thought about how big a statement "In the beginning God created the heavens" is? Why don’t we try to just sneak a quick peek at how great Thou our God in Heaven truly Art? Our Universe vast:
If a page the thickness of the paper in your Bible were to equal the distance from the earth to the sun (which is a mere 93 million miles or 8 light/minutes)-
then the distance of the nearest star (which equals 4.42 light-years) would take an equivalent number of pages as would be in a stack of Bibles 71 feet high
and the diameter of just our galaxy would be a stack of Bibles 310 miles high
and we know of over 100 billion galaxies…
CPL-02 & GEN-02 – God Created the Heavens (990912AM)
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