Dear 52 Greatest Chapter Study Groups,
We are excited to share this journey through 1 John and his last Epistle to the churches. What a powerful & timely lesson for all of us!
DARK DAYS OF DECEPTION COMING—As the end of the world approaches, so does Earth’s darkest hour.
Hell will open, and the pit will vomit out its demon hordes to run wildly throughout humanity. Other beasts from the abyss will wreak death and destruction globally. And Satan himself invades the earth and conquers it all at last.
At the helm, the visible leader of the world will be the long-promised man of sin, the lawless one, the beast, the Coming World Leader – commonly known as the Antichrist – who has 33 titles in the Old Testament and 13 in the New Testament. But behind him, the real power will be the god of this world, the dragon, old Lucifer, the lying serpent of Eden.
The Bible clearly teaches (1 John 2:18; 4:3) that we can expect this invasion from the pit in the last days. During the final days, most people will be led astray by evil spirits and occult teachings. The shadows of these times are already darkening the world. Nothing but the restraining presence of God the Holy Spirit is holding back the floodgates of this time of evil. As we saw when we studied Genesis, advanced demonism was the mark of Noah’s day; it is becoming an increasingly evident characteristic of the age in which we live.
Title: The ONLY Gateway to Freedom from emptiness, guilt, deceptions, and fear because the ultimate Security Against Satan’s Antichrist is–Confessing the True Christ.
Summary: The Last Apostle is writing the last Epistle to the Church (c.AD 90-95). He has written the last of the 4 Gospels (c.AD80-90). He is soon to be imprisoned on Patmos by Domitian (AD 95) and write the last Book of the Bible (c.AD 96), before the Lord welcomes him at last to Heaven (d.AD96-98).
So, in this Epistle, John explains why he wrote by repeating 4x “these things are written…”. These 4 are the Gateway to Freedom for those living through growing darkness, hostility, and temptations. John explains the Gateway to:
1—1 Jn. 1:4. Freedom from Emptiness. Remember Jesus already said our lives are to overflow (Jn. 7:37-39); and that we are to have an abundant life (10:10)
2—1 Jn. 2:1. Freedom from Guilt. Remember Jesus who said,” Neither do I condemn you” (Jn. 8:11).
3—1 Jn. 2:26. Freedom from Deceptions. Satan is a liar (Jn. 8:44), and comes to kill, steal, and destroy (Jn. 10:10).
4—1 Jn 5:13. Freedom from Fear. Jesus said He is the way (Jn. 14:6), and is preparing a place (14:2), so as He reminded the disciples (14:27) don’t be troubled or afraid, rather abide connected to me (15:4-5).
(FTGC-49; 220618)
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