Israel would know that God is slow to anger and patiently gives His people time to repent.
Three principles about God’s Judgment need to be noted.
First, the punishment is inevitable and irrevocable.
Second, it is God who identifies the sins of a nation and announces the precise Judgment.
Third, God is longsuffering with nations giving them time for repentance. Amos, having set forth the purpose for his prophecy, now announced the Judgments on various nations.
In each instance the prophet did not enumerate all the sins of a particular nation but mentioned only the last sin (with the exception of Israel) which triggered God’s wrath against them.
The prophet approached each nation with the same pattern.
First, he gave the reason for their denunciation.
Second, he presented their repulsive deeds.
Third, he presented the results of their destruction.
From OTI-30 – Amos (961106WE) –
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