Ukrainian forces have made a bold and unexpected move, thrusting deeper into Russia’s Kursk region in an incursion that caught not just Moscow but even Washington off guard. This cross-border push is far from the covert operations of the past; instead, it’s a mix of Ukraine’s regular military and elite special operations units, moving with a clear and calculated purpose.
Recent pictures of the fierce fighting between the Russian and Ukrainian armies in Kursk.
Ukrainian military or what’s left are reportedly retreating after loosing an estimated 660 troops and over 82 units of military hardware.
Russia will retaliate on Kiev.— sean (@Gykiwi03) August 8, 2024
The aim of this daring advance is complex and strategic. U.S. and Ukrainian officials suggest it’s designed to unsettle and demoralize Russian troops, forcing them to divert attention and resources from the critical eastern front. It’s a tactical maneuver rather than a territorial grab—no one expects Kyiv to hold onto Russian soil for long.
Russia’s Ministry of Defense initially claimed to have repelled the Ukrainian advance, but reports from the ground tell a different story. Intense battles continue to rage in the Kursk region, with local residents in Sudzhansky and Korenevsky districts sending desperate video pleas to President Putin. They describe scenes of chaos and destruction, challenging the official narrative that everything is under control.
📹Russian troops destroy military equipment of the Ukrainian Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, and the Kozak armored vehicle with Lancets, in the border area of Russia’s Kursk region.
— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) August 8, 2024
Amid this turmoil, Kursk residents are fleeing in panic. Many have left behind their belongings and documents, unable to contact loved ones due to downed communication networks. The suddenness of the Ukrainian incursion has left them feeling abandoned, with some villages reportedly falling under Ukrainian control.
Ukrainian troops mounted their biggest incursion into Russian territory since the Kremlin started its war more than two years ago.
The Atlantic Council’s Melinda Haring says “it’s partly a message to the West”
— Bloomberg TV (@BloombergTV) August 8, 2024
Major Points
- Ukrainian troops launch a surprise incursion into Russia’s Kursk region, catching Moscow and Washington off guard.
- The operation involves regular and special forces, aiming to destabilize Russian troops and distract them from the eastern front.
- Despite Russian claims of repelling the attack, intense fighting continues in the region with villages reportedly under Ukrainian control.
- Kursk residents flee in panic, facing disrupted communications and a lack of organized evacuation.
- Kyiv remains silent on the operation, while Russia struggles to maintain control and narrative.
Conner T – Reprinted with permission of Whatfinger News
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