Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, recently voiced his objections to accusations by French authorities, marking his first public response since the indictment. Durov utilized his personal Telegram channel to address the situation, expressing his defiance with an array of thank-you notes, heart emojis, and thumbs-ups. He firmly rejected the notion that his platform serves as an “anarchic paradise” and labeled the charges from France as misguided.
Pavel Durov breaks his silence for the first time since his arrest in France.
— avocado_today (@avocado_today) September 5, 2024
Durov argued that traditionally, if a country has issues with an internet service, the appropriate response should involve legal proceedings against the service itself, rather than targeting an individual CEO for activities conducted by users on the platform. He described the application of outdated pre-smartphone laws to his case as a flawed method.
Despite acknowledging that Telegram is not without its faults, Durov stated that the company has removed millions of problematic posts and is actively working on improving its protocols to enhance the platform’s security and robustness. Since its inception in 2013, Telegram has experienced significant growth and now claims nearly 950 million users worldwide. Durov attributed some of the challenges to the rapid expansion, which he believes has made it easier for criminals to misuse the service.
Durov is banned from leaving France for six months, writes Paris Match.
The magazine also noted that he will have to pay his €5 million bail in instalments – €1 million immediately and €500,000 per month for eight months.
— MDShahsdat Ali (@MdshahsdatA) September 6, 2024
The controversy surrounding Durov escalated when he was indicted on multiple charges in Paris on August 28, including the dissemination of child abuse images, drug trafficking, and failing to cooperate with law enforcement. As a result, he was compelled to post a $5.5 million bail and is currently under judicial supervision, with restrictions that prevent him from leaving the country.
Durov, who holds citizenship in France and the United Arab Emirates, shared further insights into his ordeal, revealing that he was detained and questioned by Paris police for four days upon his arrival in the city. Authorities informed him that he might be held personally liable for illegal activities conducted through Telegram due to the platform’s inadequate response to judicial inquiries.
In a bid to counter the allegations, Durov noted that Telegram has a designated representative in the EU tasked with handling and responding to requests from the union. He emphasized that French officials had multiple channels through which they could have contacted him to seek cooperation.
BREAKING: Pavel Durov has released his first statement on Telegram since his arrest in France.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 6, 2024
The Paris prosecutor, Laure Beccuau, underscored the severity of the charges last week, citing Telegram’s “almost total failure to respond to judicial requests.” However, Durov disputes these claims, maintaining that the platform has mechanisms in place to handle legal requests effectively and that the French authorities had ample opportunity to engage with him directly.
Major Points:
- Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, responded to his indictment in France by refuting claims on his personal Telegram channel that his platform is an “anarchic paradise” and criticized the legal approach as misguided.
- Durov argued that issues with internet services should be addressed through legal action against the service itself, not by charging a CEO for user activities, calling the use of outdated laws inappropriate.
- Despite recognizing that Telegram has flaws, Durov highlighted that the company has removed millions of inappropriate posts and is improving safety protocols to strengthen the platform.
- Durov was indicted in Paris for multiple offenses including spreading child abuse images and drug trafficking, leading to a $5.5 million bail and movement restrictions within France.
- He disclosed that after being detained upon arrival in Paris, he was told he might be personally accountable for illegal uses of Telegram, a claim he contests by noting an official EU representative handles such legal communications.
Kirk Volo – Reprinted with permission of Whatfinger News
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